Loren Marsters
Mesa, AZ 85201-1730
About Loren Marsters
Loren Masters
Is a Vietnam veteran and graduate of Cal-State-Northridge in Southern California. His 30-year advertising career was highlighted by creating award winning television and radio commercials; and print ads for such clients as FedEx, Southern California Edison, the National Safety Council, Toyota, Heineken, and Anheuser-Busch.
Loren made the jump to playwright in 2000. His first work: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A NIGHT AT A DANCE; a comedy about life in a singles dating group.
In 2009, Marsters was commissioned by a domestic violence prevention organization, to write a play on the controversial subject matter. That resulted in the creation of his first musical: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE THE MUSICAL? After a successful 10-year run, nationally and internationally in the military, the show made its premier to a general audience in Las Vegas, Nevada in November of 2018; where it played to sold out houses and standing ovations the length of its run.
Among other credits, Loren was awarded and did a 30-day residency at the Charles J. Evered House (The CJE House), in Joshua Tree, California. The CJE house is an Artists Residency for veterans. While in residency he wrote an intense and compelling short play titled, 16 Hours: September 5, 1972. The play deals with events that occurred at the Olympic games in Munich Germany.
His other works include a play he co-wrote with writer, George D. Morgan, CLOSING CREDITS; and a book, a spy thriller: THE REDEMPTION OF LONNIE TATE.