The Mathematician and The Philosopher
by Gordon Blitz
Runtime: 60 - 90 mins
Cast: 1 female, 3 males
Wade is a somber, humorless college graduate who is a mathematician. Gabriel is a frivolous free-wheeling college student studying philosophy. They have nothing in common, but they end up meeting . . . trapped in a stalled elevator. Through his forced interactions with Gabriel, Wade learns that there is therapeutic value to expressing the full gamut of human emotions, and both find new meaning as they explore the full trajectory of their lives. Cast of Characters:
Wade -- a closeted gay
college graduate who is wound up tight and never smiles; a mathematician. Wears
Gabriel -- a gay college
student who is a free spirit, and when the reader first meets him, he is dressed
in a toga; a philosophy student. Wears glasses. A man who is physically larger
than Wade.
Vincent (Wade’s
father)* - a seventy-year-old man in poor health
Madge (Wade’s
mother)* - a seventy-year-old woman who is overweight and burdened with
major emotional problems
Philip (Gabriel’s
father)* - a seventy-year-old man exhibiting hippie qualities
Patti (Gabriel’s
mother)* - a seventy-year-old woman also exhibiting hippie qualities
*- Both fathers are played by the same actor
*- Both mothers are played by the same actress